🚀KREODx isn't just software; it represents a philosophy of an intelligent business model.🚀

🏆Our KREODx team has been testing of our innovative KREODx Integrated DfMA Intelligent Automation (KIDIA) software, set to transform the business model of the AEC Industries🥇

💡Why is it essential for KIDIA to manage complex and large DfMA assembly 3D models?💡

In the intricate realm of Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) within the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industries, the capacity of KREODx Integrated DfMA Intelligent Automation (KIDIA) software to adeptly manage large-scale and complex 3D assembly projects is not merely beneficial - it's indispensable. Here's an exploration of why KIDIA's capabilities are so vital:

  • Complexity Management: The essence of DfMA lies in its intricate processes, where numerous components must be designed, manufactured, and assembled with precision. KIDIA's sophisticated algorithms decode this complexity, transforming intricate designs into manageable, step-by-step assembly instructions. This simplification is crucial for maintaining the integrity and feasibility of large-scale projects.

  • Accuracy and Consistency: Large DfMA projects involve the coordination of thousands of individual parts. A slight misalignment or error can escalate into costly delays and corrections. KIDIA ensures a high degree of accuracy and consistency across all project stages, from initial design through to final assembly, by virtue of its advanced 3D modelling capabilities.

  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Time and budget overruns are common challenges in the AEC sector. By automating the planning and execution phases of DfMA projects, KIDIA significantly reduces the time required to bring projects from conception to completion. This efficiency not only cuts costs but also increases the competitiveness and profitability of construction ventures.

  • Sustainability and Waste Reduction: One of the core benefits of DfMA is its potential for sustainability, particularly through the reduction of waste. KIDIA optimises material usage and minimises offcuts by precise planning and modelling, contributing to greener construction practices and promoting environmental stewardship within the industry.

  • Enhanced Collaboration Across Disciplines: The success of DfMA projects relies on seamless collaboration among architects, engineers, manufacturers, and construction teams. KIDIA serves as a collaborative platform, providing a shared space for all stakeholders to access up-to-date designs and assembly plans. This collaborative environment is critical for the fluid progression of complex projects.

  • Scalability for Future Growth: As AEC projects continue to grow in scale and complexity, the ability to scale solutions becomes increasingly important. KIDIA's framework is built with scalability in mind, ensuring that it can accommodate the evolving needs of the industry. This adaptability secures its place as a foundational tool for future advancements.

  • Risk Mitigation: Large-scale projects carry significant risks, from safety concerns to financial implications. By enabling detailed planning and virtual testing of assembly processes in a 3D environment, KIDIA mitigates these risks, ensuring safer, more predictable outcomes.


Digital Construction Week 2024 Speaker Q&A - KREODx's Chun Qing Li 


KREODx at the Innovation Stage of Digital Construction Week 2024 🚀